Ten years have gone by very quickly and yet the people in that window appear so different then they did on that perfect day when their covenant began. I scarcely doubt that anyone that knows us today would have any difficulty identifying our former selves in that picture. We look mostly the same now, just a little older. Our core values have remained largely unchanged, but maybe slightly more pragmatic. There have been no major unanticipated life changing events that have diverted us from the course we set out on when that picture was taken. We are still running the race of living a life fully committed to Jesus. Yet I know that the people looking back through that window could never have imagined the exact course their life has taken. I know the people in that window well enough to realize that they have no comprehension of the continents they will traverse nor the oceans they will cross, the valleys they will descend nor the mountain tops they will climb, the life they will create through their bodies nor the death that will be required within their bodies. While many of our experiences these last ten years have shaped us, none have been as impactful as the life we have seen created among us. In one sense, we have seen that life come from our bodies as it has been powerfully manifested itself in the lives of three very precious boys. In another sense, we have seen life enter our bodies as we have grown in our understanding and practice of eating foods that are full of life. This practice has been affectionately nicknamed, “granola living.”
It is true… she wasn’t granola when I married her. Nor was she a mom. The women looking back through that window was “4 God” just as she is now. Her “granola-hood” and her motherhood have profoundly changed the woman in that window in ways I never could have imagined, all of them for the better. Granola-hood has caused her to rely more fully on God by trusting that His ways are always better than our ways and that no part of His Word is without purpose and meaning for us today. How she ended up in granola-hood is not entirely clear to me. If you ask her, she will say that I got her into this. But I know now that whatever part I played in it has long ago been overshadowed by hours of her own study and experimenting. Her path to granola-hood has been a process shaped by the influence of good friends and a call to embrace food and life as God created it. If you ask her, she will say that I got her into this. It is hard to imagine living any other way now. What would our home be like without fermenting and sprouting? What would our backyard be like without a garden? What would meals be like without meticulously prepared whole foods?
How she ended up in motherhood is much clearer to me but I’ll refrain from sharing the details of that. As with granola-hood, she often reminds me that I got her into this too. While we may sometimes be weary from the life we have created, it is impossible to imagine life any other way now. Being a mother has forever changed her. It has allowed me to see the very best in her come out. I knew very well the day I married her that she was kind, patient, nurturing, and self-sacrificing. As I look back through that window today however, I am sure that I did not fully comprehend the depth of her kindness, her patience, her nurturing, or her self-sacrificing. So while it may be fun to gaze into that window and think upon the people we once were and the carefree life we once lived, I am certain that I am now living on the best side of that window and I wouldn’t ever trade this life, or the woman who shares it with me.
I knew the Hottie Hubby wouldn't disappoint me--his post is precious and I love him for it! Enjoy, it was well worth the wait!
great post :-) I like the husbands as guest posters :-D
Also, I like the green!
Wow! what a beautiful tribute! I am so proud of both of you. Mom/Kathy
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