And the winner of the Crave book is . . .
Congrats, Julie of My Life With Boys! Please send me your snail mail address, and I would love to hear what your pastor said about Crave . . . and how he got a hold of this great book!
And I actually have one more winner to post . . . I kind of forgot about it. You know we went to Utah, got sick, found out we were having a baby, and I sleep a lot these days . . .
Remember this book?
I never posted a winner. And Brian is done reading the book.
And the winner is . . .
Congrats, Sela Fenske Young
! Please send me your snail mail address so that I can ship this out to you!
If you ladies need my email, here it is: thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com.
Be sure to check out my next giveaway: Tropical Traditions Lavender Liquid Foaming Soap Pump.