Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Many Oranges in a Juice Glass?

Do you know how many oranges you are drinking when you pour a glass of juice? 

Orange Juice 484 I bet you might be surprised.

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Not being a big fan of oranges in their natural and intended state, I recently juiced several oranges from co-op. 

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Can you guess how many oranges it took to get ONE QUART of orange juice?

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The boys loved the treat. But notice how small the cups are . . .

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And in a little bit I am going to pour the OJ into ice cub trays and freeze with a popsicle stick, for a perfect spring time treat!

P.S.  I found an article that explains a little bit why we don’t drink juice as a rule.  I know others are out there, but I wanted to find one quickly! 

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