Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Awhile ago I was desperate for any type of cookie toy I could get my hands on.  Since we are rather granola, or rather a moderately whole foods fanatic family, the thought of having a completely unwholesome toy being played with in the boy’ slightly dilapidated kitchen seemed rather contrary. 


But then I got pregnant.  I had cravings.  And I had (well, still do have) a blog post due over at Totally Tots.  The book I chose {sigh} is all about cookies.  Go figure!


Thankfully CSN Stores came to my rescue in a very timely manner with a gift certificate, of which I have previously mentioned.

You can probably guess what  I purchased.  Cookies.

They’re pretend. 

CSN 001

However, if they had been real, they would have still been hot from the oven due to the fact they were shipped to our house so quickly.

Thankfully, the boys don’t play with them ALL the time.  Then, I would know that I have totally deprived my children and taught them obsessive behaviors regarding desserts.

We have happily been preparing for our Totally Tots Once Upon A Book post by playing with this adorable Slice and Bake Cookie Set

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and theses great Color Cookies.  (There are LOTS of hands-on learning opportunities with this game from Learning Resources!!!!)

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But we also had to make some cookies.

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Real cookies, I mean!  

cookies 014

I love writing for Totally Tots.  They make me eat cookies.  Just kidding.  It happened to be a perk for this particular book . . .

A big thanks goes out to CSN for allowing us to sample and review some of their delicious educational resources and toys!  (I was not paid for this post.  I also get to keep the “educational” toys.)

By the way, are you impressed . . . I typed this one handed?!  The other arm was cradling someone in pink!

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