Friday, March 4, 2011

Elementary Round Up


Yes, buddy.

“Mom, I’m really sad,” (as he tried to slightly hide some tears waiting to spring down his cheeks if my answer proved insufficient.)

Why are you sad?

“I have toys.”

If you are a parent, I’m sure you probably had a similar thought run through your head. 

He’s sad about toys? Seriously?  Is something wrong?  The next thing to come out of his mouth with either be radically silly or deeply profound or not make sense. 

And where did this come from?

Here we were sitting at a stoplight on our way back from an insane trip to Lowes for an emergency dehumidifier that would immediately reside in our basement .  . . . and some seeds and dirt “accidentally” jumped into our cart.

Not that there was any room.


Umm . . . buddy, why do your toys make you sad?

“We are going to throw them away when I get older.  I don’t want them to go into the trash after I have loved them.”

Sigh.  Toy Story.  I am living Toy Story

Nevertheless, a precious comment.

First grade is consisting of being a helper.  A huge help.  UGE without the H, that’s how big. 

  • folding laundry
  • getting diapers
  • training the dog
  • setting the table
  • getting Gabe out of his big boy bed after naps
  • praying . . . lots of praying for mommy

And when Asher’s not being a helper, he’s being creative.   Like building a house in the middle of my garden. 

If there is any other time . . . geography in South Korea, Saxon Phonic, Saxon Math, Grapevine Studies, and A Reason For Handwriting.  (See my resources here.)

We’ve scaled back big time. We’ve had too.  In the past 4 months we’ve acquired a new baby and a new dog! 


What has been going on in your school room – and if you don’t have a blog to link up with . . . leave a comment and tell me what your family did in the Learning Room!


  1. Write a blog post about your elementary aged child(ren), first through fifth grade, comprising the activities you did the prior two weeks.  You can include pictures, bullet points, tools used, learning gained, God moments, etc.
  2. Be sure to include a link back to my blog.  By doing so, other like-minded readers can hang out in a central location if they are looking for Elementary School ideas.   Publish your post and then head back to my site. 
  3. Provide the exact link (URL) of the Elementary Round-UP blog post you wrote, not your blog’s home address, through the provided MckLinky.
  4. Optional:   I would love it if you grabbed my blog button over on the side.
  5. You can combine this with other meme’s if that helps you to save time (as long as it is OK with the other blog owner). 

BIG IMPORTANT HEART MOMENT:  This isn’t a blog post to WOW other moms . . . the point of this is to help YOU document on YOUR blog what you and your child(ren) are learning.  My link-up is only to provide some accountability.  I won’t come and leave nasty comments on your blog if you don’t link up. 

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