Friday, April 8, 2011

Elementary Round Up

I was MIA last week.  Sorry.  I was at a homeschool conference.

But school must go on . . . and it did . . . just the Engineer did it!


In the schoolroom . . .

A freebie 4-D puzzle thanks to Timberdoodle.  Highly recommend this to your arsenal of puzzles if you have a child who gets jazzed for all things jagged.


Lots of phonics and math from Saxon . . .

Science that is a mixture of The Magic School Bus and Answers in Genesis . . . I am excited because we are about to exit space and enter earth!

Still loving our Bible with Stickfigure Bible from Grapevine Studies.  (By the way, even if you don’t homeschool, Grapevine is great to just “do” with your children . . . laying a firm foundation based upon JUST the world of God.)  We are working through the Old Testament and studying the Resurrection as a family, in addition to reading Amon’s Adventure.

And thanks to Nana, Asher has acquired some great “readers.”  It isn’t uncommon to find him nestled into the couch reading his book aloud to anyone and everyone who might listen.

He also discovered that the Engineer has a little game on his Droid titled, “Angry Birds.”  Yea . . . even I get addicted to playing said game.


But what have I loved the most recently from this little boy?  He is helpful, encouraging, and he brings me flowers!


What has been going on in your school room – and if you don’t have a blog to link up with . . . leave a comment and tell me what your family did in the Learning Room!


  1. Write a blog post about your elementary aged child(ren), first through sixth grade, comprising the activities you did the prior two weeks.  You can include pictures, bullet points, tools used, learning gained, God moments, etc.
  2. Be sure to include a link back to my blog.  By doing so, other like-minded readers can hang out in a central location if they are looking for Elementary School ideas.   Publish your post and then head back to my site. 
  3. Provide the exact link (URL) of the Elementary Round-UP blog post you wrote, not your blog’s home address, through the provided MckLinky.
  4. Optional:   I would love it if you grabbed my blog button over on the side.
  5. You can combine this with other meme’s if that helps you to save time (as long as it is OK with the other blog owner). 

BIG IMPORTANT HEART MOMENT:  This isn’t a blog post to WOW other moms . . . the point of this is to help YOU document on YOUR blog what you and your child(ren) are learning.  My link-up is only to provide some accountability.  I won’t come and leave nasty comments on your blog if you don’t link up. 

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