Remember that book that I read on Monday . . . and actually took the time to sit down and enjoy it? (I should call it my Bon Bon book!)
Well the author of that book, Jim Baumgardner, has offered you a deal (and I get a perk from it!)
This would be a GREAT Christmas idea for the elementary age child (and their mom) . . . . not that I am hinting.
If Jim receives 2 or more orders for a set of Sarah's Books from readers of my blog . . . I get a free copy of Sarah's Promise, which I would love to read! I love Bon Bon books!
If you are interested . . . email me and I can send you the order form. You can't get the special price online. And it is a pretty substantial difference by mentioning my blog name, It pays to know the Granola Mom, and anyone else on the Old Schoolhouse Crew.
Oh, want to know the special price?
Email me. thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com
Did you say BON BON??
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