I live like a city-dweller pioneer with a computer.
Blogging didn't start lightly with me. It began with an earnest discussion with my friend, Christina, and then developed from there. My blog began as a way to quickly capture photo moments in our life and type in a few lines so that 20 years from now we could easily view memories from anywhere in the world. Blogging is MUCH cheaper than scrap booking. I write with greater details in a shorter time.
What started out innocently, has become something that I am quite passionate about. It has become a way to
- express myself
- use my college degree
- document our life for myself
- enlighten the grandparents on what their grandchildren are doing
- feel connected to a community of like minded local and Internet friends
- and hopefully provide a valuable resource to those who wish to travel down the whole foods granola life (but aren't sure where to begin)
It was at that moment, that I thought I would reach out into the Twitter world and see what my friends were doing. Sarah and Kristen, and Renee often entertain me with their lives, providing distraction to moments that seem mundane to me or when I want to make chai (at the time these were the only three local friends who used Twitter). But instead of hearing from them, I had received a direct message (DM) from @DellHomeOffers that said
Congrats! You are the winner of the Dell Mini giveaway! Please message me your email address to proceed with claiming your prize.For weeks I had been entering countless giveaways for a Dell Mini computer. This particular giveaway was called Adopt-A-Mini. The idea was that you would tweet about what you would do with your new computer-child, if you Adopted-A-Mini. I tweeted like crazy about what I would do if the adoption became complete. I never dreamed that I would actually win because so many people were tweeting, and had VERY clever outings planned with their Dell Mini.
Yet, I won.
Thanks, God.
I won on a day that I needed a postcard from God. And on that invisible postcard I felt like God was saying,
I love you. You are OK. You are doing exactly what I want you to do. This bad motherhood day will pass. Say you are sorry, ask for forgiveness, and move on. But keep blogging. Keep reaching out. Keep writing for M. Look I got you a new computer to write about Me!And so . . . with much pleasure I now am introducing my new Dell Mini Inspiron.
I think that Willow, my camera, has her eye on the Mini.
Selfishly, I never had any intentions of sharing my Mini, but I am finding that the Mini works perfect for school. I can easily grab her and plunk her down in the school room. She is light and sturdy, and because I typically only use her for blogging and surfing, I am very comfortable with the boys using her.
But I need your help!
Any suggestions?
Thanks @DellHomeOffers. My #Adopt-A-Mini is adjusting nicely to her new home. She hasn't gone camping or to Starbucks yet, but I know in time she will travel many new places. The Mini is allowing me to teach my children how to use a computer and is great so that the Hottie Hubby and I can work side-by-side doing our computer work. She also fits nicely in my backpack.
Thanks so much for your generous gift!
Neo: means New.
Eugene: means Born with good fortune.
Felix: means Happy
...I'm gonna stop there for now... is mini a girl or boy?...I'll think up more once I know g/b :-)
Ok, if she's a girl I like the names...
Piper: but not sure of the meaning of this one
Shelby: haha and when I looked this one up it said it's meaning was "willow"! too funny!
Trudy: meaning beloved (another site said "Strong spear" -that might be weird??)
Bristal: (I like it with the "al" not "ol" ...can't find any meanings of that one either... (but here: (http://www.babynamewizard.com/namipedia/girl/bristol) it says Willow and Bristal are common sibling names!!
this site is fun to play around with: http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager
Lucky duck. YOU. Not the computer. :)
congrats on the mini
Congratulations! How about Matthew? :) It means Gift from God. (Ok, it's also my son's name, which is making it feel a little weird to suggest it as a name for a computer. But it's your computer, not mine, hee.)
I like Max ;-) (somewhat ironic to 'mini')
Oh, you said the camera had her eye on the mini, so I thought male for the mini... but you said "what shall I name HER?"
hmm, Maggie (as in, Magnificent Mini)?
or Dolly (the Dell)
Sorry, I'm better at naming bovines =)
Not sure any of those go well with "Willow"
Have fun! & Congrats for winning something so useful!
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