At first I was offended when my father-in-law said to me, “I sure hope you don’t see your harvest this year.”
Excuse me?
But then I realized that he meant that he hoped we had sold our house and moved before I could see the fruit of my labor in the garden.
Well, he will only get part of his wish.
We have had a little bit of a harvest. You saw my garlic. But we also ate some tomatoes on our sandwiches last night and there is a nice cucumber waiting to be dipped into homemade hummus.
And I can’t forget to mention the onions . . . since they seem to be hanging to dry everywhere in our house.
Thanks, God.
Oh, and guess what? Our new house already has a raised bed just waiting for some good compost! Yahoo!
How is your harvest coming along? I’d love to hear . . . especially if you square foot garden!