Friday, September 3, 2010

Weird PreSchool Week

preschool corner

Sir Honey, Age 4

I must say we have had a weird school week. 


The little guy has fallen asleep most afternoons, and by the time he woke up dinner was ready.  (By the way, he doesn’t still sleep in a crib – he just climbed into his sister’s crib during his afternoon rest time.)

Granola Day 042

Our mornings must have been busy with something . . . gymnastics one day . . . Costco yesterday, and Eric Carle activities today.

So . . . Sir Honey has been in school a whopping total of 13 days. 

I’d like to make you think that things are always rosy over here in the world of fermenting and homeschooling, but Sir Honey doesn’t always want to complete a task joyfully.  There has been some light recently through this seemingly long dark tunnel of laziness, I mean, frustration. 

Thanks to bloggy friend, Michelle from Delightful Learning,  blogging about her morning school routine, I became aware of this great study on character traits from Sarah’s Sweeties.  Let me just tell you the character quality of being diligent has been talked about quite a bit this week.  We are only learning one trait a day . . . but let me just tell you that already the four traits we have studied have already produced a small harvest in tiny victories over some of my children’s my slightly flawed character traits.  Ahem.


  • learning about Eric Carle and using Do-A-Dots

Eric Carle Lapbook 016 

  • crafts with Jacqueline (my mother’s helper – who rocks!)


Granola Day 057

  • confiscating Mr. Smiley’s Tot Tray

Granola Day 058

Life School

  • helping Daddy with yard work

Granola Day 037 

  • playing soccer with Mr. Smackdown . . . errr . . . rather helping Coach Chris and Daddy (that picture is for you Melanie!)

Granola Day 020

For other Preschool ideas or to just see what other families are doing, head on over to Homeschool Creations

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