Sunday, May 1, 2011

Capturing Mother’s Day

Just in case you didn’t realize it . . .

Mother’s Day is right around the corner.  I feel a little odd mentioning it, seeing as though I am a mother.  But the fact is that Mother’s Day is next weekend. 

What would you like for Mother’s Day? 

The Engineer knows that for me the question is more like, “What would you like to see happen?”

I was thinking about what I would like for Mother’s Day (which involves what we do) . . . and I told the Engineer that I just wanted to be happy.  I wanted a day where everyone got along. 

My request is almost like asking for a miracle.  But miracles do happen.  (I’ve got four of them.)

Yesterday, another miracle nearly occurred . . . the only problem being the timing . . . it wasn’t Mother’s Day or my birthday (which is also occurring this month, the 13th in case you want to send me a present).

The perfect day began with a slow morning.  Coffee.  A quiet time.  Watching my sons mow with the Engineer and . . .

Friends came.  Rejuvenating friends.  A dear friendship created across an ocean almost a lifetime ago and fertilized through the Holy Spirit in the Midwest.


Then, some time alone.  Fermenting.

Followed by the family working together in the garden . . .


building a fence . . .


planting strawberries . . .


smelling the earth . . . getting my garden gloves dirty . . .


and a late night talk with the Engineer while finishing up last minute touches to our rather intimidating fence. 


Ain’t no bunnies Ruth’s getting into our produce.


What do I want for Mother’s Day?

to bottle up yesterday

How can I freeze the perfect day?  How can I recreate it?

Well, what am I always doing?

Taking pictures. The day was so amazing to me that I took a picture of my shoes.  Seriously.


So . . . for someone like me . . . a good gift can be found in a picture.  Like a Shutterfly photobook.  (Big fan of this easy way to scrapbook our life!)

Or on a coffee mug or in a personalized prayer journal or on a very cool and unique notepad.

When I think about a gift for Mother’s Day . . . and not just my Mother’s Day . . . I always want to receive and give a gift that bottles up what I treasure most . . . a gift that will delight the file cabinet of memories. 

P.S. Are you a blogger? Click here to sign up for a chance at 50 free cards from Shutterfly.

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