Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Wordless Wednesday: Life with Sweet Pea

Yesterday,  my midwife (who is also my friend) and my birth assistant came for a visit . . . just to see how the Little Girl and I were doing . . .

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I’m pleased to say that I am feeling more human.   

I love being able to bend and hold my boys in my lap.

And they are enjoying sharing their laps . . .

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And learning how to change diapers . . .

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Just wanted to let you all know . . .

Thanks for your wonderful kind words and prayers both on the blog and on Facebook. 

And if I am slow to write back . . . (if ever) know that I read all of your comments! 

But I have come to a new reality . . . I am going to have to slow down in order to keep up with four kids.  And still randomly blog.  And homeschool.  And date my husband.  And nourish my family with wholesome foods. 

It will all come together.     I don’t have to do all of it at once right now.  I’m on a babymoon!  And we are having some great meals delivered. 


Toodles!!  Remember to send me your prayer requests!

Stayed tuned for a CSN review and giveaway . . . and another Tropical Traditions review and giveaway brought to you by Mr. Smackdown!  (He is very excited about his product he is testing for the Blog!)

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