Saturday, October 9, 2010

The One Year Book of Encouragement: A Review

The One Year Book of Encouragement, compiled by Harold Myra, has been a breath of fresh air many times when I have not quite reached my 12 bible pages a day for B90ximage

Though I like really meaty Bible studies, being a homeschooling mom of three with one on the way, translates into the reality of my quiet times not always happening as planned.

But with this great book, I have often started my morning with a quick encouragement and directed my thoughts towards being more Christ-focused than me-focused. It has stirred my heart on MANY occasions and set me straight.

I would recommend this book especially to any busy person . . . ready to be taught and wanting to cut to the chase quickly.

Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for sending me this book for free to review.  I was not paid for this post, nor do I have to return the book.  It is mine to keep, and I will continue to read it – most likely while I am nursing Sweet Pea!

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