Friday, October 8, 2010

Preschool Corner

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I think Sir Honey is going through some growing pains.  I love my son, and I will leave it at that.  Actually, I need to apply some scripture to this.  We are to take the plank out of our own eye before pulling the tiny splinter out of another’s. 

Granola Mom is struggling with creativity in discipling (not to be confused with disciplining) such a charming, physical, often helpful, slightly emotional, handsome, and 100% full-blooded boy that she shares the same house with. 

I know that there are two components to our slightly difficult week . . . we are out of Cod Liver Oil and I’m having a baby. 

Any-hoodle, this week Sir Honey learned about the Letter B

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He worked with Mr. Smackdown to make tissue paper butterflies.

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Gymnastics wrapped up this week.  But hopefully we will continue to have some great fall weather so that Sir Honey gets some activity outside.   

We also read The Big Green Pocketbook, which is part of the FIAR curriculum and completed a lapbook from Homeschool Share.

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Favorite Picture:

big green pocketbook 007

For more Preschool Corner posts, head on over to Homeschool Creations

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