Monday, November 2, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 2

Well. This is Day 2.

I stare at my computer screen wanting some caffeine, and not feeling quite awake even though it is 2:31 in the AFTERNOON. But thankful that I have made a choice to join Sally Fallon and complete the Eat Fat, Lose Fat challenge. It sure is a lot of coconut.


Anyhew . . . If you don't know what I am blogging about today, check out Day 1.

Otherwise, read on. I am thankful for:
  1. Our new fish, Nemo, who is quiet and eats processed food. I was going to take a picture of him for you, but he won't cooperate and swim to the middle of the bowl.
  2. I am glad that we have been training the boys in how to clean up their toys. As a result, I am sitting here with some blueberry (decaf) tea and relaxing for a spell.
  3. Internet grocery shopping is great. I feel blessed to belong to such an amazing coop, with people who order items for me and organize my food for pickup. I am so grateful for the family who started our coop, houses it, and keeps it going.
  4. It is an awesome privilege to hear my boys create these fantastic make-believe scenarios and then act them out. I love how they direct the play before the play actually begins.
  5. I love the brown Breckenridge hooded sweatshirt I am wearing. I wear it almost every day. I have a shirt on underneath--it's not like is smells or anything.
  6. I am glad that coconut products are available within the continental United States.
  7. I'm happy that we can say, "Sorry, will you please forgive me . . ." and it is done. We can say this to someone we offended or hurt or we can say it to God. Thanks, Jesus.
  8. I am thankful that Mr. Smiley loves to read. His favorite book is one of my favorite books, Snuggle Puppy by Sandra J. Boynton.
  9. I love that I can color in my Bible and it helps me remember God's Word.
  10. I am really thankful that I have a Mom and a Mother-In-Law who come to my house and help me out.
Please be sure to stop by Conny's blog and link up with your 30 Days of Thanks!


Conny said...

I got tickled about your sweatshirt commentary ... don't we all have a favorite item of clothing like that ... that doesn't smell (no way, no how!). :)
I will try to get my thankful posts up earlier in the day so you can link up earlier ... today I was at work all day so I didn't get it done - plus sometimes spontaneous thanks is good too...but anyway, I'm up to day 2 on my blog now too.

melanie said...

Just want to say Thanks! for the '30 Days of Thanks' idea you are passing along =) I'm in!