Monday, November 2, 2009

Kabul 24 -- A Review

Kabul24 has been my night time reading for the past few weeks. The mere fact that I actually finished it, processed it, and dialogued with the Hottie Hubby about the book (but wasn’t required to) should say something.

I wanted to read a book where I wasn’t “learning” something, but could instead be transported to a land with different circumstances, food, and customs -- yet not leave the safety of my own home. I am drawn to any book that remotely reminds me of my time overseas with the Hottie Hubby in India.

I had read the book Prisoners Of Hope, by Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, several years ago. Kabul24 is the same story but relayed to us from the understanding of authors, Henry O. Arnold and Ben Pearson, as told to them. (Note: Ben Pearson is a key character in Donald Miller’s book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.) A large portion of the content is on the thoughts and experiences of Georg Taubmann, the current Shelter Now International (SNI) Director, and Peter Bunch, a former SNI worker. The prisoners were held captive under the Taliban regime for 105 days.

The book documents the faith and perseverance of the SNI workers. It clearly depicts their steadfast efforts to honor God and be respectful of the customs and people in the land of Afghanistan. It resembles a modern day account that mirrors the miraculous escapes that we read about in the New Testament.

The book is enjoyable. That seems rather trite of me to say. What these people experienced for the cause of Christ is commendable. They relied on the Word that they had memorized, used praise and worship, were united in the fellowship of believers, had relatively little personal artifacts, and yet still retained a steadfast hope in the Living God. Truly it makes me ponder and consider, “What am I willing to die for?”

I recommend that you ask for this book at Christmas, visit your local library, or find it at PaperBackSwap.

Please know that Thomas Nelson did not pay me to write this blog post. All thoughts and comments are written using my brain and two little hands. BUT I received this book for free.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers